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CBM » Welcome
CBM Indonesia brings you a wide variety of high quality computer accessories such as: mouse, keyboard, casing and other entertainment devices like TV tuner and full HD media player. We are the first optical mouse manufacturer in Indonesia and have launched our own mouse CBM branded by the end of 2008 into the market. We also distribute Easy Touch mouse until now.

We provide basic and multimedia keyboard as a perfect match to our casings. Not only basic casing or ITX/ATX casing do we have, CBM Indonesia, who is known as Azza distributor, a very well-known game casing among gamers, but we also accommodate your computer performance by offering the quality power supply units, which are compatible with the latest processors and appropriate for gaming or server needs. 

In 2009, CBM Indonesia became the authorized distributor of AverTV products from AverMedia, a leading global TV tuner world brand which has dominated more than 75% of TV tuner market worldwide. AverMedia now expands its products with a new launch of full high definition media player, featuring a wide array of options for playing videos, listening music and viewing slideshow photos in your TV. 

CBM Indonesia is growing its market in 2010 and will soon release new product items for Indonesian market before 2011. Please contact us if you are greatly interested to start a mutual partnership with CBM Indonesia.
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